Hermosa View Yearbook Photo Contest

Does your child enjoy taking photographs? Would they love to see there work in the yearbook?

If so, enter a photograph for the chance to be featured on the front cover of the yearbook!

Deadline is Wednesday, 10/11 so don’t delay.

Enter your photograph for the chance to be on the front cover of the yearbook.


  • 5 winning photographs will be featured in the yearbook.
  • The overall winner will have their photograph on the front cover.
  • Each grade level winners (TK/K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd) will have their photos in the yearbook.
  • Provide the name of the student and grade level when submitting final photograph.
  • Must have final photograph emailed to viewyearbook@hbcsd.org.
  • Submit photograph by October 11th.


  • Photo must be taken in Hermosa Beach
  • Student must take it, not an adult (honor system please)
  • One entry per student
  • It can be a person, place, or thing
  • Be creative

Questions: Katie Schafer
